I created a WCF Web Service that uses ArcGIS .NET SDK 10.2.7. In the web service I am calling a secured geoprocessing task.
Before calling the geoprocessing task I’m logging in to the portal using IdentityManager so I have access to the secured geoprocessing task.
However the call to the geoprocessing task SubmitJobAsync is returning a status of New and jobID null. The result should return
a status of Submitted along with a JobID. The geoprocess is created with ArcGIS Server 10.7.
I wasn’t able to find any documentation regarding that case and how to deal with it.
Code snippet for login:
public async Task GenerateToken()
var opt = new GenerateTokenOptions();
opt.TokenAuthenticationType = TokenAuthenticationType.ArcGISToken;
var cred = await IdentityManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync(config.PortalAuthentication.ServiceUri,
//var cred = await IdentityManager.Current.GenerateCredentialAsync(config.PortalAuthentication.ServiceUri,
// config.PortalAuthentication.username,
// config.PortalAuthentication.password);
catch (ArcGISWebException webExp)
Debug.WriteLine("Unable to authenticate : " + webExp.Message);
catch (Exception exception)
Debug.WriteLine("Unable to authenticate : " + exception.Message);
Snippet for geoprocessing task call:
public async Task<string> CallingMaps(string template, string array, string geo, string ctrl)
DBConnection connection = new DBConnection();
string storePath = string.Empty;
//List<Objects.OrderItemCatastral> allCat
//var serviceURL = "http://mapas.gmtgis.net/arcgis/rest/services/Geoprocesos/ProductosCartograficos/GPServer";
//string taskName = "Mapas de Catastro";
var gp = new Geoprocessor(new Uri(config.MapasCatastral));
//Set up the parameters
var parameter = new GPInputParameter();
var layoutTemplate = new GPString("Layout_Template", template);
var pageRange = new GPString("Page_Range", array);
var georef = new GPString("Georef_info", geo);
var control = new GPString("Control", ctrl);
//Execute task with the parameters collection defined above
var result = await gp.SubmitJobAsync(parameter);
while (result.JobStatus != GPJobStatus.Cancelled && result.JobStatus != GPJobStatus.Deleted && result.JobStatus != GPJobStatus.Succeeded && result.JobStatus != GPJobStatus.TimedOut && result.JobStatus != GPJobStatus.Failed)
result = await gp.CheckJobStatusAsync(result.JobID);
Debug.WriteLine(result.JobStatus +" Catastral ");
await Task.Delay(5000);
catch (System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException)
//connection.LogTransaction(ctrl, "ThreadAbortEsception");
Debug.WriteLine("Cancel Exception");
connection.UpdateFailedCad(ctrl, array, "false");
if (result.JobStatus == GPJobStatus.Succeeded)
var outParam = await gp.GetResultDataAsync(result.JobID, "Output_File") as GPDataFile;
if (outParam != null && outParam.Uri != null)
//OficialCatUri = outParam.Uri;
string fileName = @"\" + template + ".pdf";
storePath = MakeStoreFolder(ctrl, fileName);
string save = LoadUriPdf(outParam.Uri, storePath, fileName);
Objects.path = storePath;
catch (Exception e)
//Debug.WriteLine("Error: ", e.ToString());
connection.LogTransaction(ctrl, e.Message);
Objects.path = "Error";
if (result.JobStatus ==GPJobStatus.Failed){
return "failed";
if (result.JobStatus == GPJobStatus.TimedOut)
return "time out";
catch (Exception e)
connection.LogTransaction(ctrl, e.Message +" "+ ctrl);
return storePath;
Values returned by result after calling await gp.SubmitJobAsync(parameter):
However if I call the geoprocessing task from rest endpoint it works and sends the correct output.
Is there something wrong with the authentication or the code?
Should I deal with status New and no JobID or any ideas on how do I fix this situation?
do i need to migrate to a newer version of the sdk?
Diego Llamas
ArcGIS Runtime components are not currently supported for use in internet-/server-/service- based scenarios. It is a requirement we are monitoring and we hope to be able to support this use case in the future.
There are ways of extending ArcGIS Server to implement your behavior - for more info see About extending services—Documentation | ArcGIS Enterprise.