good morning!!
please i have a probleme with the app that i'm building!!
in fact i am a beginner and want to build an offline application in VB.NET using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET and visual studio 13
i have some shapefiles that i tried to display in my mapview but without any result.
please someone could help me???
thank you!
I need some more informations befor I can help you.
how do you try to access the shapefile?
Mabye you can post the code of this part. Do you get any error messages?
Can you provide more information? Do you want to add the shapefile use arcmap or arcobjects? Is there any error when you add the shapefile?
When you add shapefile to the map, you also need to have other format files with the same name as .shp (for example .dbf, .prj...), do you have all the files needed?
if no data displayed, you can also view the dbf file and check whether records inside.