Hello every one ,
I have some questions regarding the local server geoprocessing tools support ,
i have checked this page https://developers.arcgis.com/net/latest/wpf/guide/local-server-geoprocessing-tools-support.htm and i've seen that on the visibility there's only line of sight and there's no visibility support ; and there's no 3D freatures tool support and we need to know if you're planning to add this support tools on the coming update of the arcGis runtime version 100.1 ?
Thanks in advance
At the bottom of this link https://developers.arcgis.com/net/latest/wpf/guide/local-server-geoprocessing-tools-support.htm
The Advanced license link
lists the following. Suggesting that others are already there. If your question is whether they will be available at lower license levels... probably not, since they have not moved in their license requirements in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro
Construct Sight Lines Observer Points Skyline Skyline Barrier Skyline Graph |
Hello sir,
Thanks for your answer ,
I actualy was asking about the 3D Feature with (intersect and Union) tools I've seen that this tool is not supported even on the advanced license and i was asking if it will be supported on the future upcoming updates of the localServer thanks
Perhaps this blog will be of interest them
or you could pose the question there, it might expedite a response
We add tools based on user requests - please list the exact tools you would like to see supported and we will investigate if we are able to add to the roadmap.
Hello Mike ,
Thanks for your answer ,here are the following tools that we need
3D analyst tools (Visibility = Line of Sight , Viewshed and visibility)
3D analysttools (3D Features = intersect , union)
Thanks for the request. The good news is that some of those tools are already supported in the current 100.1 release, and I will add the other tools to the roadmap. We'll try to get them into the next release if we can.
Line Of Sight - supported.
Viewshed - supported.
Viewshed2 - supported.
Visibility - supported.
Union 3D - added to roadmap (requires validation, testing and verification)
Intersect 3D - added to roadmap (requires validation, testing and verification)
Tools currently supported: Local Server geoprocessing tools support—ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET (WPF) | ArcGIS for Developers