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Land Use Mapping

12-10-2021 01:02 PM
New Contributor III

Hello! Does anyone recommend any of the free training courses dealing with land use mapping and mapping various uses of open land plots for sustainability purposes?

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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor II
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New Contributor III

Thank you @DrVSSKiran appreciate it!

I'll take a look at the videos. Those might be a little harder for me. I appreciate the Learn ArcGIS link though. Just bookmarked that site. That is a good way for me to learn hands on with real cases.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

You could also check the following Learning Plan.

Build a Green Infrastructure Strategy | Learning Plan (

Also a Udemy Course (not free, but discounted)

Machine Learning in ArcGIS : Map Land Use Land Cover in GIS | Udemy

All the best!

Think Location
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