I have a slope file in degrees. I have a polyline feature class. I want to intersect/overlay both of them and need to get values in the following format.
Slope | % of line |
0-15 | 44.33 |
15-20 | 44.33 |
20-30 | 44.33 |
30-40 | 44.33 |
Above 40 | 44.33 |
How to achieve this on ArcMap?
My second question is, I have a feature class with attribute table as below
Object ID | distance | shape_length |
1 | 1 | 122 |
2 | 2 | 134 |
3 | 5 | 150 |
Now I have an empty table as below. I need to pass above values to this table using model builder. How can we achieve this?
Object ID | Agri Km | Distance 1 | distance 2 | distance 5 |
1 | 20 | 122 | 134 | 150 |
Where are you in this process?
Software? do you have the spatial analyst extension?
Are you familiar with either modelbuilder or python?
The end goal is shown but getting there depends on a lot of things.
I need to do this on the model builder. I have spatial analyst extension.
ANd yes I'm bit familiar with the model builder.