Hello Andrew, your tips have helped a lot but this is the problem now, whenever the location is empty it works but whenever i input "All locations" it gives warning - -'The process did not execute because the precondition is false', Is there anything wrong with my model or logic. Please help me to check it up.
This warning does not necessarily mean anything is wrong with the model -- it just means certain tools did not run, which is expected in some cases (for example, if you have a selection query for when the user chooses "All locations", and another query for when they choose another value, only one query should run, not both).
Thanks. it is working but the only warning I get now is " All input are current". which does not allow execution of final results..What could be the reason for " All input are current".
.Thanks. it is working but the only warning I get now is " All input are not current". which does not allow execution of final results..What could be the reason for " All input are not current"