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Having Export Features populate field map correctly

11-16-2023 05:44 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

I have a model which includes an Export Features geoprocessing tool. The input is from another tool which creates a new feature. I want the Export Features tool to include all attribute fields that are present in that new feature. However, when I run the model, it fails because a third tool is relying on the output of Export Features to have the full list of attribute fields, but it does not have any of those fields. To run successfully, I can then open the Export Features tool and under Field Map, I can hit reset, which populates all of the fields from the new feature and the model will then successfully run. 

Is it possible to indicate in the tool setup that it should use all fields present in the input, or is this impossible since the model has to run and produce that new input feature first? 

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