I haven't used this in real life yet, but one of my interns showed me how to use ChatGPT to help document a Python script. I think the cool thing here is that you can either use it to write up a description of a script you wrote yourself OR to understand a script you found on Stack Overflow or elsewhere that you can't 100% read yourself.
Here's the sample Python script.
import arcpy
nbhds = "full path to neighborhoods feature calss"
parcels = "full path to parcels feature class"
arcpy.management.JoinField(r"memory\Parcels", "Neighborhood", nbhds, "Neighborhood", "Total_Population")
arcpy.management.JoinField(r"memory\Parcels", "Neighborhood", nbhds, "Neighborhood", "Total_Households")
And here's what ChatGPT answered.
Prompt: Tell me what this Python script is doing and then pasted the script.
The provided code snippet is written in Python using the arcpy module, which is a Python library for working with ArcGIS software.
The code performs the following tasks:
1. It imports the arcpy module.
2. It assigns the path of a feature class named "Neighborhoods" in a geodatabase to the variable "nbhds".
3. It assigns the path of a feature class named "Parcels" in a geodatabase to the variable "parcels".
4. It exports the features from the "Parcels" feature class to a temporary feature class named "memory\Parcels".
5. It joins the "Total_Population" field from the "Neighborhoods" feature class to the "memory\Parcels" feature class based on the "Neighborhood" field.
6. It joins the "Total_Households" field from the "Neighborhoods" feature class to the "memory\Parcels" feature class based on the "Neighborhood" field.