Protecting People, Places, and Assets in Modern Mining Operations

06-21-2023 03:53 PM
Esri Alum

We hope you enjoyed the webinar, "Protecting People, Places, and Assets in Modern Mining Operations."

You may watch the recording here:

Security Operations using ArcGIS provides business leaders, security managers and teams with real-time situational awareness, command and control capabilities, and advanced analytics. It is essential to learn how to enable security and business resilience workflows, so that when a threat intersects an asset, the proper response is initiated, the appropriate personnel are communicated with, and the incident is brought to resolution swiftly. 

In this webinar we discussed how the ArcGIS system can be used to monitor, report, and analyze real-time information. We highlighted field mobility capabilities, dashboards for monitoring and decision making, and how automating notifications can trigger the correct response to protect your assets.   

In addition we discussed:  

  • The latest trends and techniques in Security Monitoring using the ArcGIS system.  
  • How ArcGIS aids in the monitoring and protecting of assets such as facilities, materials, people, and the environment.   
  • The configuration of an integrated Security Awareness System for Mining Operations. 


For further information or questions please leave a comment on this community post or contact the following Esri staff:

Darin Bryce:

Ryan Farmer:


Thank you for your time and attention. Be on the lookout for additional mining webinars.

Warm Regards,
The Mining Team



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