Hello everyone, our GIS guy has taken another job and as I was working with him, I am now on my own. Retired teacher working for a small company, Beneficial Designs, and we do wheel chair testing, ADA assessment work and teach individuals how to do trail assessment and we do trail assessment. Guessing I will be on here a lot as I am learning how to do survey 123 connect and use of the map.
Hope I am not to much of a pain in all of my questions.
I am not Bill as he runs the office.
Thank you Gerald
Todd, welcome! You truly deserve your own public account - public arcgis (myesri) accounts are free and everyone should have one to keep themselves distinct from their organizational identity. On the Esri Community, Bill can be himself and so can you! Go ahead, jump in, the water is fine! 😉
Hi Curt,
I do have a account but it will expire in 9 days as it is a personal account and it expires in 9 days.
I am hoping to get someone to answer my question for my survey at work, and since it is work related that is why I am using Bill's account as he is the office manager and takes care of keeping us up to date.
Todd, what I am suggesting you create a public ArcGIS Online account (these are free and do not time out). Bill can can easily search for your questions and answers by your username. To create a public ArcGIS Online account, go to arcgis.com, log out and click Sign In and create a public account (text link at bottom).
If you want you may continue to log in as Bill, but I am inviting you to join the community and be yourself! 😁
Your work sounds very interesting - I hope you engage the community as you get set up with Survey123.
Also know that although this community is excellent, Esri Support (which your company pays for!) is very good at helping you with specific problems and pointing you to online resources as you go on this journey.
To get support, you would ask Bill to request an incident using MyEsri and name you as the contact.
If you are getting started with Survey123 I suggest checking out following the ArcGIS Survey123 community, which is a great place to look for resources and ask questions.
Best of luck and again welcome to Esri Community!
Hope this helps you out!
Thank you I will do that Curt.