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Job-hunting data geek

07-19-2021 12:27 PM
Emerging Contributor

Hi everyone,

I've been a database programmer / systems analyst / data analyst for quite a while, and a few years ago decided to learn more about GIS.  

I've earned a GIS Certificate from Westfield State University and taken some GIS courses at University of Massachusetts Amherst.  I used GIS some in my last job, I'm finishing up a short-term GIS contract, and now I'm trying to find my first long-term GIS-focused job.

I'm looking for a GIS position local to Western Massachusetts, or hybrid-remote in New England, or entirely remote anywhere in the US.  My past experience has mostly been related to medical data, in both clinical and research contexts.  But I'm also involved in two town committees that deal with open space and a greenway that's in the works, so I'me no stranger to land use and conservation issues.

Wish me luck!

Eric Bloomquist

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

You might want to bookmark

GIS Jobs - Esri Community

it is the community place for questions, links, and posts about jobs in GIS

... sort of retired...
Emerging Contributor

Yeah, I'm subbed to that.  Thanks.

In retrospect, I should have made my Member Intro post less of a job-search thing.

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