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09-20-2022 10:11 AM
Regular Contributor

Hello, I work in Northern WY and support GIS in offices in our company across WY, MT, OR.  We use Panzura for servers and it has some issues with ESRI.  Overall we have good luck with the way things are set up.  We are slowly migrating from Desktop to Pro and using a concurrent licensing as we do, moving them from named user.  We do a lot of CAD (DWG) and CAD related work where we need to import data from CAD to GIS and from GIS to CAD.  #1 issue is coordinate systems and how they are used in CAD, that is they customize a lot of the coordinate systems and this makes it difficult to import and export data.

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1 Reply
Esri Community Manager

Thanks for posting this introduction, @SteveLowman, and for sharing a bit about the challenges you're currently working through. 

Esri Community is the place for connecting with GIS peers who can offer insights on what you might try as you get things settled with your migration and imports. If you have any specific questions during this process, feel encouraged to explore what other members have already asked in ArcGIS Pro Questions and or ask your own questions there to solicit help. 

And if I or the other members of our Esri Community team can offer any guidance about using Esri Community, just let us know! 


Jesse Cloutier
Community Manager, Engagement & Content
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