Introduce Yourself!

02-02-2018 12:21 PM
Esri Community Manager

Welcome to GeoNet!


We are a community that collaborates, learns and shares together. To help you connect with other members, we started this introduction thread. Think of this as your intro to GeoNet networking and a chance to get to know  each other as we begin our GeoNet journey.


Please introduce yourself to the rest of the community by sharing your answers to the questions in the comments section below.

  • Where do you work and what is your role? 
  • What GIS success have you had this year and what product did you use? (big or small - no win is out of bounds)
  • What is your expertise (GIS related or not), and how can that help the community?


Bonus Round! Post the coordinates to your favorite place on earth.

note: this post has been archived, and is available in read only mode. To create a new introduction, please visit the new GeoNet Member Introductions‌ space. Thank you!

Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
324 Replies
Esri Community Manager

Hello Kenton, Welcome to GeoNet! Thanks for sharing your info, hope you find some useful resources in the community and are able to connect with people within the GIS field.  Here are a couple of places in GeoNet you might find interesting:

Implementing ArcGIS

ArcGIS Pro

also here are a couple of new places we just launched in the community that are worth checking out:

ArcGIS StoryMaps Beta

ArcGIS Indoors

Tracker for ArcGIS

Your favorite location looks amazing, I have heard the Blue Ridge Mountains are pretty spectacular.



Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
0 Kudos
New Contributor

Where do you work and what is your role?

Hi GeoNet Community. I´m Jonny Halvarsson (-1973), from Luleå, Sweden. Rigth now I am employeed at Luleå Municipality (75000 inhabitants) in the North of Sweden as GI Strategist, meaning that I´m in the lead to make strategies and plans how the municipality works with GI information and GIT (GIS). Working with digital transformation with Maps/GIS. 


What GIS success have you had this year and what product did you use? (big or small - no win is out of bounds)

This is my first year at the municipality, and the first thing have been to learn all different applications that the municipality uses.

Luleå is an "ESRI-municipality" which mean that our main GI-plattform is based on ESRI Products. We use Desktop applications (including the Swedish extension GEOSECMA for ArcGIS) as well as producing ArcGIS Server based Maps. We are looking in to Portal solutions as well as a couple of Web-applications and Mobile applications (Survey123 and Collector).

Our main municipalty GIS-map/application can be found here (In Swedish)


What is your expertise (GIS related or not), and how can that help the community?

Former Authorized ESRI 10.X educator.

10 years of teaching GIS at Luleå Technical University (GIS Programme)

GIS Consultant for 22 years at Swedish Institute of Geographic Information (SIGIT), Sweco, Metria. 

Hope to see and give some useful tips and trix to the community! GIS in Swedish municipalities!


Bonus Points

N: 7281512.64, E: 158635.21 (Sweref 992145)

65.630090, 21.935879

GIS-engineer from Sweden (Luleå)
Map- and GIS-nerd
Vision: "GIS & Geodata for everyone in Luleå Municapility"
Esri Community Manager

Hello Jonny, Welcome to the GeoNet Community! Thank you for sharing your wealth of experience! I hope you find the community helpful with finding solutions, asking questions, connecting with other GIS professionals. 

Here is a place of interest: 

GIS i Svenska kommuner



Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

Aloha, my name is Jim Lugosi from Clackamas County, Oregon.  My official title is an Information Software Specialist Sr., GISP.  I mainly work with Open Source development, web mapping applications, and System Administration for our Linux servers.  My current role involves assisting with development of web mapping applications and maintenance of our PostgreSQL/PostGIS databases.

My big success story in the past year is the installation of ArcGIS Enterprise on a multi-tiered system.  We have been struggling to stand up this technology, partly because we are not going with the out-of-box setup.  Currently, we have our Portal, Server and Web Adaptors setup behind the firewall.  Now we are looking for projects to get started with.

I started working with GIS in 1995/1996.  I went to school at Humboldt State University and started with MapInfo.  However, we quickly transitioned to PC ArcInfo.  I fell one class short of getting my GIS Certificate but that didn’t stop me for pursuing a career in the GIS field.  After college, I joined the Americorps Watershed Stewards Project and worked for the Interagency Watershed Analysis Center (USFS).  After a 2 year stint with Americorps, I took a temp position with the USGS doing coral reef monitoring for the Hawaiian Islands.  Lastly, I landed a GIS position with Clackamas County and have been working here for 19 years.

My expertise mainly resides in the Open Source field.  I do allot of work with PostgreSQL and PostGIS.  Creating custom scripts and processes to update, edit, and generate new data sets.  However, I would really like to start working with Portal, WebApp Builder and the whole Enterprise Environment.

Favorite Location:

20.7644° N, 156.4450° W

Esri Community Manager

Aloha Jim, Welcome to the GeoNet Community! I hope you find our community helpful!  Here are a few places that might interest you:

ArcGIS Enterprise

Portal for ArcGIS

Implementing ArcGIS

Open Platform, Standards and Interoperability

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS

Web AppBuilder Custom Widgets



Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
0 Kudos
New Contributor

Hi all!

   My name is AL Holesovsky from Loveland, Co.  USA.   I am currently self-training with the GIS Tutorial Workbook #1. 

I am looking into this because it's been of interest for the last few years.   Who knows, maybe it will be a nice change in career.

Where do you work and what is your role? 
I work for Hewlett Packard Enterprise as a Mask Designer.   Basically, I draw computer chips for a living.  Although I do not use GIS software, I currently use Cadence Virtuoso CAD software.  The basics are sort of there.  Draw, properties, etc.

What GIS success have you had this year and what product did you use? (big or small - no win is out of bounds)

I am currently using the ArcGIS Desktop 10.6.1 while following along in the GIS Tutorial workbook #1  It's been off and on for the last month or two (as work & home life permits).

What is your expertise (GIS related or not), and how can that help the community?

Currently I am learning GIS Software as well as Python scripting.   Other then that, I have 25 years doing semiconductor layout with quite the variety of CAD tools and software packages/ tools/ flows.

Esri Community Manager

Hi AL, Welcome to the GeoNet Community. I hope you find the community helpful in discovering more about GIS technology and field. 

Here are a few places to get you started:

Esri Training

Education‌ (look for the MOOC offerings)


ArcGIS API for Python

New to GIS



Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
0 Kudos
MVP Alum

Where do you work and what is your role?

I currently work for a local government in Kansas.   My role is to know a little bit about a lot of things in GIS, from paper maps to SDKs.   


What GIS success have you had this year and what product did you use?

Lately I have been writing a lot of add-ins for Pro so we can move everybody off the ArcMap platform.   It forced me, a Python guy, to figure out C#.   I have successful wrote them all, luckily I did not have a tight time frame.  I am sure I wrote way more code then was actually needed, I feel sorry next guy who needs to modify/update them. 


What is your expertise (GIS related or not), and how can that help the community?

I think I am ahead of the curve on Pro and the Pro SDK.   I actual have fun writing Python Scripts.   I prefer to help the community by asking/answer questions and ideas.   


Favorite Location
39°16'38"N  105°46'15"W

Esri Community Manager

Hi Matthew,  Welcome to the GeoNet community! It was great meeting you in person at the Developer Summit in Palm Springs.  Thank you for your contributions to the community thus far!  Let me know if you are looking for anything specific,  here are a few places (that you have probably already discovered :-))

ArcGIS Pro





Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

Where do you work and what is your role?

I currently work for ISPRA, a  government Institute for environmet in Italy.   My role is to know a little bit about a lot of things in GIS and remote sensing in the marine ecosystems.   

What GIS success have you had this year and what product did you use

Lately I have been working with ArcGIS platform.


What is your expertise (GIS related or not), and how can that help the community?


Currently working on providing the best utility for marine habitat mapping from remote sensing and drone.

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