hi esri Community Frnds I need some inf regarding certification of EADA19-001 Course. since long im planning to do EADA19-001 certification. But I'm unable to find some exam related book or material from which i study and attempt the exam . i.e from where i will get the exam material for exam preparations.
Thanks for bringing your question to Esri Community, @muhammadasim143 .
Because this area is used for members to provide our team with feedback about our online community, I'd like to help get your post moved over to one of our conversation boards where it's more likely to be seen and responded to by members who can help. Try the Esri Technical Certification board to see if community members can help point you in the right direction.
Please do also feel encouraged to share a new post in our Member Introductions board to tell us a bit about yourself. Our team and your GIS peers around the globe would love to learn more about you!