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Hello!Joyce Gosata Maphanyane; a Geo-spatial Engineer, Educator, Researcher, Reviewer and An Author - Analysis & Modelling by GIS and Remote Sensing.

07-14-2021 10:54 AM
Emerging Contributor

Education: PhD Melbourne, Australia; DESS Pierre et Marie Curie, France; MSc, Nottingham, UK; BSc(Hons), Wales, UK; BTEC, De Havilland, UK.

Affiliation: The University of Botswana (UB) - Senior Lecturer, Member of Senate Council UB, and Member of FAPRC School of Health UB.  Council Member of Research Data Council (RDA) Council by European Union,; the American National Science Foundation and National Institute of Standards and Technology; and Australian Department of Innovation; Botswana and South Africa joint Committee Research, Science, Technology and Innovation (RSTI); Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Steering Committee; Botswana Institute of Geomatics (BIG)Board: Research and Development for Botswana Surveyors and Mappers; Member of Department of Research Science and Technology–Space Technology Strategy Task Force Team; Friends of the Botswana National Museum Executive Board Member - Secretary; International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS): Membership; National Spatial Database Infrastructure – (NSDI) Strategic Planning & Alignment -  Botswana Government:

Her geospatial science academic attainments, research and work experience gives her a unique ability to apply this science and technology, in all forms of life, from space technology, environmental issues, socio-economic endeavours, traditional ecological knowledge, and geophysical Earth Systems like climate change and business processes. Her geospatial process knowledge includes geomatic; land cover, land cover change (LULCC); database creation and management; cartography; photogrammetry; GIS; remote sensing; Data Science; Cloud Computing; Artificial Intelligence; Big Data; database management; data processing, and analysis; geology; sustainable natural resource management and conservation; teaching and capacity building; inventory control, and budgeting; data repositories and information dissemination systems through workshops and conferences forums; reports, manuals, books and journal paper authorship; reviews and various operational processes. Her present Research Endeavours include the following: Earth Observation Technology Application in the Monitoring and Mapping of seasonally flooded extent of the Okavango Delta in north-western Botswana; Research and Mapping of the Khoisan Languages in Botswana Project; EU & AU GMES, SASSCAL - collaborative Wetlands Monitoring Platform for Transboundary River Basins in Southern Africa Application of Earth Observation Technology for Wetlands Monitoring and Management

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Esri Community Manager

@maphanyanej_ubbw  Welcome to the community! You will find many resources here and it is a great place to ask questions. If you are looking for Job postings, you will want to check out this group:  GIS Jobs - Esri Community



Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
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