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USA Topo Maps Issues

10-02-2012 11:43 AM
New Contributor
Hi all,  I'm new here and searched the forums for a similar issue but couldn't find one myself.

I am creating 3 separate maps with data points for my sites (I'm trapping insects in different forests).  I can add the basemaps but in the first map I made, I chose USA Topo Maps and got one basemap, created the second map, chose the same USA Topo Maps and got a different basemap.  I have removed the basemap and added it again and still got different results.  I closed it, reopened and started from scratch to no avail.

I can't figure out what is going on that I can't get the same basemap.  If I were only using it for data I wouldn't care as much but I'm hoping to put these images in a talk and want everything to be uniform.  I want them to have the basemap that's included in the Ouachitas image.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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3 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: stiginz

Did you ever get this resolved?  I am having the same issue.
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MVP Alum
It is possible that the scale is changing, and you are passing the threshold of the scale range applied to the maps, so you are seeing different basemaps. Try maintaining the same scale, or capture a static snapshot of the basemap to your local drive, and use that. This involves turning off all layers except the basemap in dataview, then choose "Export Map" and select to PNG or TIff, and select "Create World File. You will get a georeferenced image on your local machine, that you can use independant of the image / basemap server.
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: arusbawah

Maybe it coming from a different scale
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