I wish to work through a long list of tracked animal behavior bouts,
updating my map layer definitions to the depict behaviors from this bout,
zooming to the behaviors within this bout, and exporting the resultant map as a graphic.
Here is a script outline to do this.
The problem is that the map extent does not get updated after the first bout is handled.
Have I missed a trick to ensure that the map extent is properly updated and the result
reflected in the output map?
import pyodbc
cnxn = pyodbc.connect(DRIVER, DBQ= db, autocommit=True)
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
SQL = "SELECT * from trackedAnimalBehaviorBout_tbl"
import arcpy
for row in cursor.fetchall():
Bout = row.Bout ## grab behavior bout from trackedAnimalBehaviorBout_tbl
mxd=arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(MYMXD) ## Open an mxd
df=arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0] ## grab the first dataframe
for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd): ## Loop through list of layers in the dataframe
if lyr.name == "BehaviorX": ## Handle layer for 'BehaviorX'
dfQ = "[BehaviorX] = 1 and [Bout] = '" + Bout + "'"
lyr.definitionQuery = dfQ ## Update layer def query
BehaveBoutExtent = lyr.getExtent() ## grab hold of Exent of this layer
try: ## Try to zoom the dataframe to the extent of Behavior X for row.Bout
print ("updating df extent from ")
print df.extent
print "to"
print BehaveBoutExtent
df.extent = BehaveBoutExtent ## Zoom to the BehaveBoutExtent
print("Updated Extent to")
print df.extent
try: ## Export to a graphic file for later reveiw
png = (r"\\" + r"MYFILELOCATION" + os.sep + str(Bout) + ".png")
arcpy.mapping.ExportToPNG(mxd,png, resolution=80)