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Truncate Dynamic Text Field

04-03-2013 06:59 PM
Deactivated User
Hey Guys,

It'd be useful to be able to display only certain parts of a text string displayed by dynamic text.
As an example, I'd like to be able to shorten the MXD name for display in the title block.

mxd name: MapRegion_8893.mxd

Properties of the text field in title block:
Map Region <dyn type="document" property="title"/>

Displays: Map Region MapRegion_8893
Id like: Map Region 8893

Any Ideas?
1 Reply
Deactivated User
Thanks for the reply, we were hoping to eliminate this step as it often gets forgotten (we do hundreds of these maps).

I found an ArcGIS idea for it which leads me to believe it cant be done currently, thanks anyway!
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