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Symbolizing trees

11-24-2011 01:02 AM
Deactivated User
I'd like to ask about symbolizing trees for Community Maps. For me it was obvious that Campus Base Map Template should have tree symbols. When I opened it it turned out I have only 4 species of trees (please check my attachment).
The question is if ESRI will suggest the symbology for trees? :confused:
I think it is important to create such symbology for all Community Maps Users in order to standardize tree symbols. It should be the most popular trees (deciduous and coniferous) at least. In this way we could adjust some different species to main tree symobogy. Now we have 4 symbols and no coniferous tree but as far as I know there is more species in the world 🙂

I've found interesting text about trees but is still doesn't solve the problem for all users.
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1 Reply
Deactivated User
Hi Michal,

There is another campus template here: This one has, I believe, 8 different tree symbols. You can import some of them into your map if they seem suitable. (We're working on an overhaul of our Resource Center and will have all of these templates in a more organized location soon, so our apologies that this template was not easily found.)

Alternatively, many participants create their own tree symbolization to more closely match the unique combinations of trees in their particular area. The link you provide is a good starting point for anyone wishing to do that. We suggest that the colors used blend well with the muted color scheme of the Community Maps templates.

As the program grows, so does the symbology. Your suggestion to add more complete tree symbology will be passed along, thanks!
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