Hi all
I have points data which represent infected palms in block plantation. I want to analyze whether the infected palms are random, dispersed, or dispersed distribution.
I thought the extension of spatial statistic in ArcInfo could help me to measure the distribution. But I doubt the result, when I creating dummy data (clearly clustered distribution) and I execute with Average Nearest Neighbor tools, the result is at dispersed distribution!
I attach my dummy data here.
If anyone could give me suggestion, it would be appreciated.
from the average nearest neighbour how it works section,
you observed average nearest neighbours is going to be small relative to the expected
ANN = Do/De < 1 clustering, > 1 dispersed
De depends upon area... what is your area? you have a bounding rectangle but was it used as the extent for the analysis?
Hi Don
Thanks for your suggestion. I have tried to execute once and in environment work, I put my extent area. It works. The result is at clustered distribution.
I thought why my first trial failed was because i didn't put my extent, I only fill the area (optional) with my hectare area.