We just received a nice aerial in sid format with a projection of WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_14N.
We have data that is in the same projection.
When we marry the sid and our data the sid is 3-4 ft off to the northwest or the data is 3-4 ft off southeast!!!
Any ideas on what to do to fix it right!
First, eliminate the map document as a potential source of offset. Open a new map document and add your data files. I assume that both files have a defined projection. If they still do not overlay correctly, 1 of them has an incorrect projection defined. Add the world imagery, and see if the sid imagery aligns correctly. If yes, your other dataset is creating the problem, and you will have to investigate it's source.
Best Regards,
Sorry I am not an expert! What is the world imagery and where would it be.
I opened the data files and then added the sid (aerial)