I've finally got a table generated that will work for a street index and I'm attempting to use the �??Create Report�?? tool with ArcGIS 10.1 to generate what I need for a map. Essentially, I have it setup and working but the gap that is generated between each street name is to large. I've been playing around with the �??Element Properties�?? and realized that the 'Can Grow' behavior is where my problem may lie. If I set this to 'True' the street names longer then the space available will be given more space horizontally. A nice ability to have but by having this setup it seems to cause every other street name to take up more space horizontally. If I switch the �??Can Grow�?? to �??False�?? it fixes the issue but doesn�??t allow longer street names enough space.
This is a problem because I have limited space on my map. Has anyone had this issue before? Should I be using excel and if so is there documentation on the process? Am I missing something in the �??Element Properties�??? Appreciate any ideas.