My team and I are having problems with representations in ArcGIS since we’ve decided to manage the limit lines as separate arc components rather than the full merged feature. We have representations for symbology and the symbol pattern is now longer than the current segments at most scales. Normally we could use a join option in the symbol levels menu but, although the option is there, it does not seem to function for representations. I believe this may be a bug in 10.4 but I cannot find any references to it with a quick search.
Marisa ... No mention in the change logs of any bugs associated with representations ( see the Py Links and the changelog history). Nothing on the Support site either.
I have moved this to hoping that someone there might help.
The GeoNet structure of Places can be used to direct questions to better Places. A misdirected question can languish in the pit of obscurity for some time. Good luck
Thanks Dan!