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Problem drawing marker symbol on export

06-03-2016 06:29 AM
Deactivated User


There is something wrong happenning when exporting a map (I tried JPEG and PDF). For some reason, the marker symbol (which is a picture marker symbol) is not drawn correctly. And for some reason, the other ones to the left of the map are OK. The broken symbol is drawn correctly if I drag it to the left of the map. I tried different symbols and it does the same thing.

I attached a picture of the problem and another one of what is should look like.

I used style manager to create a Marker symbol and I choosed a Picture Marker Symbol. The picture itself is a png.

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3 Replies
Deactivated User

I forgot to mention that I am using ArcMap 10.4

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MVP Emeritus


You will be better off calling esri tech support on this question.

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New Contributor


did you find how to solve this problem?
I have the same problem and with the same symbols from the MTQ directory.
Thank you

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