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PLTS Map Atlas - Name errors

10-14-2010 08:41 AM
New Contributor III
I've got an mxd set up with the PLTS Map Atlas doing a map series.
I have chosen a field in my feature layer to be the name of the map as well as having dynamic text associated with the same field to be my map title.

I have a problem when the field contains an apostrophe. For example Cook's Ferry will give me an error and that particular mapsheet will not have my map drawn and the title will have the error message.

Is there a way to get around the apostrophe issue without having to change the source data? (it's in a locked SDE)
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2 Replies
Esri Contributor
I have tested 9.3 Foundation SP1 Build 1688, PLTS 9.3.1 Foundation SP2 Build 629, and Esri Production Mapping 10 Patch1 Build 464 against file gdb and SDE (Oracle) database. I have an AOI feature class with several records. The records have a NAME field. For one of the records, I changed the NAME = Cook's Ferry. Using MPS Atlas, I run Build Map Series to create my map series and I create Feature Layer dynamic text using the NAME field in my AOI feature class. As I use 'Set Current Map Sheet', the Cook's Ferry map sheet is displayed without error and there is no error displaying the dynamic text.

What version of MPS Atlas are you running?

For future questions regarding MPS Atlas, can you please post to the Esri Production Mapping forum. I usually monitor that forum.
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New Contributor III
I ended up doing the maps by making the query point to a  different field and redirecting the dynamic text to the Name field. So it works - just can't use the name field for the query.

We're using ArcMap 9.3
PLTS for ArcGIS:
Build Number485
Product Version
Real Version:
Service Pack 1
Patch: 00

I have tested 9.3 Foundation SP1 Build 1688, PLTS 9.3.1 Foundation SP2 Build 629, and Esri Production Mapping 10 Patch1 Build 464 against file gdb and SDE (Oracle) database. I have an AOI feature class with several records. The records have a NAME field. For one of the records, I changed the NAME = Cook's Ferry. Using MPS Atlas, I run Build Map Series to create my map series and I create Feature Layer dynamic text using the NAME field in my AOI feature class. As I use 'Set Current Map Sheet', the Cook's Ferry map sheet is displayed without error and there is no error displaying the dynamic text.

What version of MPS Atlas are you running?

For future questions regarding MPS Atlas, can you please post to the Esri Production Mapping forum. I usually monitor that forum.
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