I'm trying to place a legend and scale bar on a map with a transparent background but my contour labels are all over the place. I'd like to be able to set a weighting to those labels so that when graphical items or even features are placed on top the labels do not draw there. Here are a couple of screenshots. Any ideas? Thanks.[ATTACH=CONFIG]26012[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]26013[/ATTACH]
You can not get items in the data view to recognize items in the layout view.
You could create a polygon shapefile that covers the area under the layout and under the scalebar, set the fill and outline to no color, and set the Feature weight in the label conflict tab to something other than 0 or None. Arcmap knows the feature is there (even though it is not visible) and should avoid placing labels there.
I know you want it to look that way but I would put the scale bar and legend outside of the data frame. With really dark back grounds like that it gets kind of lost.