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Page and Print Setup Question

03-15-2016 10:54 AM
Honored Contributor

Have a question because whenever i setup my print setup in the Layout View and it doesn't always work, so does ESRI have their webpage that tell us what their Page and Print Setup are ?

Like for example, Oversize A4 and I have no clue what is the paper size is for that one.

What I am trying to do is to set my Printer setup and then use the Map Page Size as 20 x 17 and sometimes the Margin can be either too big or too small ....

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4 Replies
MVP Alum

Just set the page size manually:

Honored Contributor

That's what I do and sometimes for some reason when I export it it can change anything that is why I was wondered why I may have not set it right on the page or print setup.

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MVP Emeritus

Paper size - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and A Paper Sizes - A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10

provide base information.  All printers I have seen, use these definitions and you can customize their defaults, which is a printer function sometimes controlled by the software you are using.

MVP Alum

I often use custom page sizes, generally a 16cm X 11cm page size with a frame 15X10 at origin 0.5, 0.5, so I have a margin to put the graticule labels around.

This works well for me for input into powerpoint slides.

But you must remember, when it comes to actually printing this to a physical piece of paper, there are a whole bunch of other options.

Adobe, for instance, by default, scales whatever input page size to the page size of the output device.

That messes up scales!