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Not all labels show on the layer

11-09-2016 02:46 AM
Deactivated User


I have a map with six feature that I would like to label. Labels should show the dates when events happened at every specific location - my features.  I have set everything in the Layer Properties - Labels. For one specific feature I have nine dates, which should then be 9 labels. Yet, I can only visualize 3 of them and I can only see the remaining 5 as unplaced. If I reduce the font from Arial 9 to Arial 7, I can visualize 4 labels out of 9. Can anyone explain 1) why am I not able to display all labels, 2) how to display them all? 


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7 Replies
MVP Emeritus

are you using the Maplex labelling engine to offset labels

Deactivated User

I've tried it but no luck

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MVP Emeritus

disperse markers tried?  or a screen grab?

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Deactivated User

still would not show more than 3

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MVP Emeritus

I assume then, that it is the limitations of the marker style that you have chosen, and you haven't explored others.

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Esri Contributor

Are you using Maplex in the screenshot?

There is a max number of lines setting in the Maplex stacking options. Check that because it defaults to 3.

Honored Contributor

I think that active Place overlapping labels on may be useful for you.

But you need to make offset for good visualization (As Dan Patterson) .

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