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Need to find similar imagery to BLM 100K

08-31-2016 08:11 AM
Honored Contributor

I am working on setting up Quad Index of one Forest Service District on 11 x 17 and I have loaded up 3 of the Visitor Maps on my layout. The problem is the southwest part of the map is blank and I need to find something similar to it. I was thinking of getting one from BLM that might have similar to us. The Forest Service do not have it for that part of the circle I drew. I think BLM might have them similar to us.

Is there a website that can I get it to download . It does not have to be with collar or No colloar. I just need it to load it and put under them with others. I don't want any from the basemap that you add from ArcGIS online.

Location :  South of Pubelo, Colorado and north of New Mexico .  According to BLM Colorado online, the area I need the most is the 

Blanca Peak, Walsenberg, Alomsa  and Trinidad. These are the BLM 100k. They have on the PDF but I do not want to spend my time on georeference it and I'd like them to be the most recently current basemap they have. I am willing to download them .

Anybody know where to find it ?

Thank you !

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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi Robert. I'm not sure how helpful this is, but here is the Colorado BLM GIS data download page. I don't believe there is a published national BLM cached basemap yet.

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Honored Contributor

They don't need to be basemap just any file that has georeferenced it

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Frequent Contributor

That should work for you, then. They've got TSR, land ownership, and field office areas.

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