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Mouse roller for zooming

09-02-2014 01:13 PM
Deactivated User

I am running Arcmap 9.3.1 and ever since converting to Windows 7, the roller is only able to zoom in regardless of which direction I roll it. Any Suggestions?

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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Have you been able to isolate the problem as to whether it's a hardware problem or a software problem?  Maybe try a different mouse - or check the mouse settings in the Control Panel.  Desktop 10.x has several new top menu options, which 9.3 does not.  But under the top menu item 'Customize' in 10.x you'll be able to select how the mouse wheel interacts with the map (scroll forward to zoom in or zoom out).  I think that option was also in 9.3, and doesn't fully address only zooming in.  One other thing to try is to hold the CTRL key down while scrolling the mouse wheel. Just another way to zoom in and out.  Grasping at straws here.

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MVP Emeritus


   You have posted in the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex forum and yet mention ArcMap 9.3.1?... Have you posted in the correct forum space or should I move this question to the to the general Mapping‌ space?

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Occasional Contributor

Robert – I also noticed that this thread was probably posted in the wrong forum. Since it was started by Matt, the decision remains with him, but if I were you (as the moderator) I’d move it.

Van M. Walker, GISP

Brazos River Authority

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Deactivated User

Being my first time on the site, I'd say do what seems best and thank you for the info.

Matthew Collier, CWP


Chipeta Water District

14738 6175 Rd

Montrose CO, 81403

(970) 249-8871

Fax (970) 249-1228

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