Hello all I'm looking to merging two road layers. I am interested in the traffic volume in the second layer. My first thought was to use a spatial join and join the closest join feature to the target feature with a 100 foot tolerance. But I am worried that the intersections will cause some issues because if I am joining the feature based on proximity any time two roads cross at an intersection they will have a proximity of 0. I only want to join roadways that are parallel and not perpendicular.
My question is should I be worried about the intersections causing issue and if so how do I get around that issue?
Edit: I have a basic license and 10.5
After some experimenting intersections do indeed cause an issue. In the attached picture the buffered polyline is taking the north and south road value instead of the east and west value.
Solved! Go to Solution.
I actually found a pretty good solution that appears to work. I used a toolbox I found online to find the mid points of my target feature. I then took my new point target feature and joined it with the polyline join feature and used a closest (10 feet) spatial join. This appears to have remove gotten past the intersection issue. (arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=a2a41c8345e24ab6a9dd2ae215710b39) |
I actually found a pretty good solution that appears to work. I used a toolbox I found online to find the mid points of my target feature. I then took my new point target feature and joined it with the polyline join feature and used a closest (10 feet) spatial join. This appears to have remove gotten past the intersection issue. (arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=a2a41c8345e24ab6a9dd2ae215710b39) |
Something to note I am having some issues with overpasses but it appears to be specific to my data since only one side of the highway is annotated. The unannotated side of the highway can be miss-classified near overpasses. So if a data contains large stretches of road way the roadway layer with the most segmentation should be used to create the points.