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Map Topology

01-14-2015 09:27 PM
Deactivated User

I need to realign a number of polygons which are to share the same boundary.  I have tried using the map topology in 10.2, however I keep getting the following message

The edge cannot be modified.

The operation was attempted on an empty geometry.

I fail to see how I can have an empty geometry.  One of the polygon layers is from our parks layer in the production database and the other layer is a 500m buffer around these parks.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this and resolved this issue?  I would be extremely grateful to get an answer to this problem.


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2 Replies
MVP Alum

What db are these polygons in?

Are you sure that every record has valid geometries?

Open the attribute table and do an ascending sort on the area field. Any records where area == 0?

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Frequent Contributor

I am having the same problem. I get that error and also "Cannot rebuild polygons from current topology elements."

I am working with township/range and sections, and there are no polygons with area == 0. Everything is in a File Geodatabase in ArcGIS 10.2.2.

It will work when I move a vertex in the corner of my study area, but not when I move a vertex that is on the side or in the middle of my study area.

I'd really rather not manually move each intersection 4-8 times for all 80 township/range squares...

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