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Map disappears when scale is changed

06-30-2015 03:49 PM
Deactivated User

map disappears when changing scale in Arc map v 10.2.

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5 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Do any layers have their visible scale range set? (right click a layer to check)

Are you in data view or layout view?

What's the scale set to when you zoom to full view? What value are you setting it to?

How big an area are you showing?

Deactivated User

Thank you for your response. I apologize for my misspellings in the original posting. My answers are shown below.

Lawrence D. Camp

18476 Hastings Way

Castro Valley, CA 94546

510 538-8374

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Esri Notable Contributor

I didn't think about it before, but if you mean that some features from a layer (feature class or shapefile) disappear as you zoom in or out, that can indicate a problem with the data's spatial index. Delete it and recreate it (in ArcCatalog).

Deactivated User

Thank you for the follow-up. I suspect this is what is occurring. I will take your suggestion and also go back to the tutorial information. It has been several years since I used the program and I am having to relearn aspects of the program.


Lawrence D. Camp

18476 Hastings Way

Castro Valley, CA 94546

510 538-8374

Deactivated User

Hi Lawrence,

Are you working with a raster? If so, I've recently had the same problem and as always there are probably multiple reasons why and ways to go about trouble-shooting.

I have 10.2 as well. What I tried that was ultimately successful was to build pyramids and statistics. This tool can be found in the Toolbox under Raster-->Raster Properties-->Build Pyramids and Statistics.

Just setting the scale on the layer in the table of contents didn't seem to have any results for me, though I'm not discouraging you from trying that as well.
