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Labels With Identical Values Not Showing Up on Map

01-21-2014 01:57 PM
Occasional Contributor

This is an issue that has been driving me bongers since last week!

I have a simple map with a Polygon Feature Class composed of 1 square mile Section blocks.  The blocks are color-coded by the number of domestic water wells within the section.  My labels are to show the minimum well depth, maximum well depth, and average well depth using this as the label:

[DomesticMinDepth] & vbNewLine  &  [DomesticMaxDepth] & vbNewLine  &  [DomesticAveDepth]

so that the label is stacked in three rows.  Most of my labels appear properly, but if the Min, Max, and Average depth values are all the same value, the labels do not appear.  But, (and this is where it gets weird) some sections that do have all the same values do get labeled.

Take a look at the attached image and you'll see what I mean.  Truly odd!
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Hi Jon,

Do you have "Remove duplicate labels" ticked as one of the options in Maplex? Those values could be duplicated elsewhere in your dataset and be causing those polygon labels to be dropped out. Also, I don't know if it's the way your export has come across but the grid you're using to count these doesn't look consistent, i.e. some grids are skewed; this will affect your counts so it might be worth making sure nothing crazy is happening with it.


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