If I run an MXD with multiple DataFrames through the MXD Doctor it will show a duplicate in the index for each DataFrame except the duplicate will say 'Invalid Map' after treatment (trying both 'Transfer all non broken' and 'PageLayout and Valid Maps') these 'Invalid Maps' are still there and as far as I can tell they don't affect anything. I'm simply curious what these are or what's causing them.
The Red tick symbols simply means that your MXD is Recoverable, although not completely
You may refer Using the MXD Doctor utility—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
I hope this helps!
That's kinda my point. Running the Doctor doesn't do anything. It says it has invalid maps, but in the mxd created after treatment they are still there and it still gives a red check. Nothing has changed.
What types of layers do you have in the MXD?
Feature classes, shapefiles, rasters?
Feature Classes, but that's not the issue. I was able to recreate the issue in a blank mxd with multiple dataframes and no layers.
Are you saying the issues seems to be with the arcmap installation?
Can you run a small test to confirm if that is the case,
I hope this helps!
Any leads on this? I also get this running ArcMap 10.5. An mxd with two empty data frames (for testing) and I get the red x too. Two users on two workstations have the same problem. Single data frame is ok.
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