I have multiple slivers in a parcel layer and need to merge the slivers that match eachother. There are so many that I would benefit greatly by some type of script. The process would be to look for the first set of matching PIN #'s, then merge them (choosing the prodominent attributes between matching parcel pieces is not a concern in this particular project). Next, automatically go to the next record with matching PIN#'s and merge them. This would continue until the last record. I currently have created a new field called "dups" and ran the python script:
uniqueList = []
def isDuplicate(inValue):
if inValue in uniqueList:
return 1
return 0
This script places a 1 in the dups column indicating it has a duplicate PIN# of another record. The "other" record does not get a number by it.
I would greatly appreciate any help with this to cut my work flow time down,
Thank you!