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How can I get a layer to go away?

05-14-2017 02:24 PM
Occasional Contributor

I imported a simple layer that outlines a city boundary.  I made it very thick for one map but now it is stuck.

I removed the layer but it won't go away.

If I use the identify tool and click on it, there is nothing there.

I could just move everything into the other data frame but I am curious why this layer still draws even though it is not listed in the table of contents.


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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus

What type of file was it? and how did you import it?

If you right-clicked on the layer and selected remove, it should have been removed.

Are you sure it isn't a graphic?

More details or a screen grab would be interesting.

MVP Alum

May be you have converted the feature into a graphic. Use the Select Element tool  to select the graphic and delete.

Think Location
Occasional Contributor

Thank you so much!!!

Turns out it was, indeed, a graphic.  I did use the Select Element.  I did CUT first, just to see what went away, and the outline disappeared so next I deleted it.

Y'all are awesome. 🙂

Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Julia - Thanks for asking your question! I wanted to let you know that we're moving your question from the GeoNet Help group to the Mapping space to align with the topic there.  So you're aware on how and where to post your questions, here's a few quick tips and reminders:

  1. First, use the GeoNet search (top right corner by your profile icon) to search and see if your question has already by asked/answered previously.
  2. If not, than we suggest reviewing the GeoNet Community Structure, to find the most relevant space to post your question. 
  3. The GeoNet GeoNet Help group is for questions and tips on how to use the GeoNet community platform not the Esri ArcGIS platform. Following steps 1 & 2 above will give you the best results for getting Esri product questions answered.
  4. This GeoNet 101 "How to Ask Questions on GeoNet" post is also a helpful guide to asking questions:


Thanks again for contributing and I hope this helps and let us know if you have any questions.