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Funny looking anno when used in a Map Service

08-08-2012 01:49 PM
Honored Contributor
I originally posted this in the ArcGIS Server 10.0 forum but I haven't received any responses. Trying my luck in this forum-

We're developing basemaps (in ArcGIS Server 10.0) and I'm now working on road annotation for one of the services. I used Maplex to create the initial labels, and then did some additional clean up. The annotation layer is currently in a File Geodatabase and included in a MXD which has (for the time being) been served up as a dynamic map service based on an MSD file.

In the screenshot I've attached, the MXD view is displayed on the left, and the javascript viewer of the map service is on the right side. What I've noticed is that my anno text is getting "condensed" in the map service (right side) but displays fine in Arcmap (left side). For example, the label for "Paradise Lake Rd" in the right center of each display. The "e" and "L" have collapsed on top of each other.

What would cause this and what can I do about it?

Thank you!
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor

Do you experience the same thing if you publish from the mxd instead of the msd.


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Honored Contributor
Hi Anthony,

I hadn't thought of trying that but I just did and the results are the same. I'm using Version 10 SP-5 for my desktop environment..
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