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Export Failure

03-05-2019 11:30 PM
Emerging Contributor

Hello everybody,

i have a problem with exporting a map to pdf.  The .mxd file is configured with Data Driven Pages, there are several Tables linked, from Excel and out of a Access Database. The Maps show Floor Plans of several hundred buildings. With the Data Driven Pages you can navigate to a specific floor in a specific building.

Now there is one floor in one building, which is not possible to export, because ArcMap simply crashes without any error message. Honestly I have no idea what the problem may be, every other building and floor works without any problems. 

Do you have an idea where to start searching for the error?

Sorry for the unspecific description, but this is all I know about the problem so far.

greetings from Stuttgart, Germany

Philip Urban

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1 Reply
Esteemed Contributor

Manually go to this page without using data driven pages and try the export then to see what happens and if you get a more meaningful error message.

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