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Error in clip to current data driven page extent

02-01-2011 04:33 AM
New Contributor
To show the feature of interest on with data driven page, I use the 'clip to current data driven page extent' and exclude some layers. In lay-out view ArcMap shows me the right maps, extents and exclusions, but when I'm exporting them to .pdf I still get part of the layer (the one I'm trying to clip) near the page borders. Does anybody knows this problem and even beter, does anybody have a solution for it?

Thanks in advance, Joris

PS I installed SP1 but that didn't help.
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor
In my testing of DDP I ran into this with coverage annotation.  The support response was to confirm this behavior with a workaround to convert this annotation to geodatabase. (This worked for the clipping but since there is a bug in converting the leader lines which isn't being fixed it isn't a real fix for me.)  What I got out of this includes: 1) test your data in a new project and it if repeats contact tech support and let them test your data, if they can repeat it it gets a bug and might be fixed and if they can't they might suggest a workaround, 2) if the Clip to shape using the index feature doesn't work you might try the Page Definition Query, 3) if 2 doesn't work with your layer you might be able to create a masking layer and see if that can be clipped or defined to work as you like, and 4) see if your layer works the same in a different file format.
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New Contributor
Thanks for your help, John. When I tried to start a new project with the same data, the same problem occurred. But I discovered that it has to do something with the transparancy of the layer: when I turned back the transparancy of the DDP-layer to 0%, the error disappeared. Strange behaviour, but I can live with that.
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Honored Contributor
You might report that to ESRI tech support.  Someone at ESRI might monitor this thread but it is always better if a user reports an issue and gets a determination of a bug, if you ever want it fixed.
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Emerging Contributor
I hope someone is still reading this.
I had a similar problem, trying to clip based on the current data driven page.
I found an option in "definition query" that seems to work around this problem quite well.

There's an option called "page definition queries", select the "page name field" and "show features that match."

It doesnt really mask, but it shows only the selected features of the particular layer youre interested.
Hope this helps. 
I can email screen captures if necessary.
Good luck.
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