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Count Within a Polygon Shown in Legend

04-25-2014 04:34 AM
Occasional Contributor
I am looking to have a count of my points but only within a polygon, not the current map extent. I still want to display all the points, but not have them counted in my legend. Is this possible?
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4 Replies
MVP Alum
I am not quite clear what your goal is.
If you want to get a count of points within polygons, perform a spatial join of the points to the polygon, and choose "Each point will be given a summary of .....and a count field showing how many points fall inside it."
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Occasional Contributor
I have attached a screen shot of my map. Currently I have the show feature count in Legend Properties checked. This count is counting all the points in the map extent; so as I move throughout my area the count changes. I would like to have it automatically count just the points inside the pink area. I do understand that need be I can do as you suggested to get a count and then I could manually write in in the label section in layer properties symbology section, but I wanted to see if there was something that would automatically count this.
Thanks for your reply.
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MVP Alum
Now I understand.
What if you used data driven pages, with the index layer set to the polygon features.
Join your points to your polygon spatiallly.
add the join output, and set the symbology to mach your original point layer, set a definition query (a page definition) so only features that match the DDP index layer feature are shown. Now you have a layer to use in the legend that is limited to features within the polygon, and because of the 2 versions of the point data, you still see points outside the polygons.
Best Regards,
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Occasional Contributor
Thanks, I think that might work.
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