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Combining interators with submodels.

02-23-2017 06:55 AM
Deactivated User


I have two geodatabases: one with 20 line layers (pipelines), and one with 20 polygon layers (stripmap). I would like to use model builder to take the first line layer and intersect it with the first polygon layer. Then take the second line layer and intersect it with the second polygon layer, and so on. My output should therefore be 20 layers.

I have used two iterators to do this, by creating a submodel (see attached), but when I run it, only 1 layer is created. 

I have read through the similar question posed here: Two iterators in modelbuilder , but it has not helped resolve my problem.

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Honored Contributor

Why first polygon with first line?

Do you mean OBJECTID 1 with OBJECTID 1?

If so

You can add Get Field value and Select By Attribute.

Just get the OBJECTID field value , then use this value to select by attribute the same OBJECTID feature in another feature class .

Then do intersect tool and get the output.

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