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blank view

11-25-2013 07:46 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: Alex Broadbent

I was editing in a bunch of annotation in my map project and now all my data layers will not display in the layout or data view.  They will appear as the view is re-drawing, however when the annotation finishes its redraw the view or data frame will be white with only the annotation showing.

I have deleted the annotation overflow stack
Ran MXD doctor on the project.

Alex Broadbent
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1 Reply
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: WMortimer

Few things you need to check or review -
Was the Annotation in a Geodatabase or only MXD.
Did you set a new annotation target layer?
were you editing at the time of the drop-out?
Layers not drawing may not be a result of your annotation.

Layers not drawing correctly are normally a result of the following for starters:
1. Scale - It may be disabled at that scale.
2. Data needs to be repointed to a correct source.
3. Do you have a filter (definition query) applied or not enough symbology defined to draw the features.
4. Frame elements ordered you may have a white box that is now at the front when it should be at back etc.
5. Projection issues.

Hope this helps in someway.
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