We upgraded from version 9.3 to 10 after experiencing many labelling problems - when generating raster map tiles, we suffered from occasional inexplicable tiles with no labels - when regenerating those tiles, the labels appear - but it was wasting a lot of our time. We ran extensive tests with ArcMap 10 trial and found no problems in this respect.
We now have the upgrade. My colleague is building a map of France. Whenever he turns labelling on for a land usage layer, ArcMap crashes and offers to send a .dmp file to ESRI. We have sent one. We can reload the MXDs, try again to turn labelling on for the problem layer, and the crash predictably reoccurs. We have turned Maplex off, then tried turning labelling on for the problem layer (standard labelling engine), and the map is rendered without problem; so it seems that Maplex is to blame.
Whilst building the map, my colleague noticed the MXD files growing to an unusual size - up to 30 MB. When he turned Maplex off, the MXD files went down to about 4 MB. But having turned Maplex back on and left labelling turned off for the land usage layer, the MXD files are slowly growing again. Not sure if there is a connection between the MXD bloat and the crashes.
Anybody know what might cause the crashing? Any solutions?