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ArcGIS Survey Analyst has been deprecated at ArcGIS 9.3.1 - see Land Record Forum

05-11-2012 08:35 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
ArcGIS Survey Analyst is an extension product for ArcGIS for Desktop 9.3.1 and earlier (it will be deprecated at ArcGIS 9.3.1 and will not ship with ArcGIS 10). ArcGIS Survey Analyst has had two distinct parts: the Survey Editor and the Cadastral Editor. The functional capabilities known as the Survey Editor will no longer be supported in ArcGIS 10. Users who require these tools should continue using ArcGIS 9.3.1. The functional capabilities known as the Cadastral Editor and its Cadastral Fabric dataset are included in ArcGIS 10 (ArcEditor and ArcInfo) without a requirement to install or license any extension. The parcel editing functions have been greatly improved and are accessed through a new Parcel Editor toolbar in ArcMap.  The Cadastral Fabric dataset  has been enhanced and renamed the Parcel Fabric.  ArcGIS 10 includes new geoprocessing tools to assist with migrating parcel data modeled as coverages or simple feature classes to a Parcel Fabric.
Note: The Parcel Editor toolbar will not be a component of ArcView. ArcView customers who have previously licensed ArcGIS Survey Analyst will need to migrate to ArcEditor or ArcInfo in order to use the Parcel Editor technology at ArcGIS 10.

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