I am curious to see if there are other options out there for accessing demographics databeyond just purchasing Esri Reports. For example, I've purchased reports to look into median hosusehold income and ethnicity within a 1-mile radius around a specific address, but I am wondering if there is a way to accomplish this without purchasing a report. They are nice, but I don't necesarily need the report and map. Just the data within that is included in that 1-mile radius. I also am considering doing this for multiple addresses so I would have to purchase multiple reports and I am wondering if there are other options out there.
I would look in the Living Atlas data for more datasets that you could use.... https://livingatlas.arcgis.com/en/browse/?q=census#q=census&d=2 (just a simple search of "Census")
Doesn't this data have use restrictions? More specifically if I wanted to determine the median income within a mile radius around an address, I'd have to do some geospatial work locally with this dataset. I thought everything on living atlas was for visual purpous only.
You can connect directly to TIGERweb's REST services:
These services have all the right fields for joining in any Census data you want. You can interact with the Census API to query the precise data for your features and bring them into a standalone table, too. That would likely involve a bit of coding, but it's definitely possible. Otherwise you can just download the tables and load them into Pro separately.