Hi Everyone,
I am working with NASA data in ArcGIS and am having a problem with displaying the longitude correctly. I have attached a screenshot, unfortunately the file is too large. This file should be over Japan but it appears over the Atlantic. Here is my workflow:
1. In HDFView, convert file from .nc to .h5. Arc seems to handle h5 much better.
2. Add the .h5 file to ArcGIS
However, when I add the file, it shows up exactly 180 degrees longitude from where it should and Arc displays the longitude as 0 to 360 rather than -180 to 180. The bounding coordinates are correct in HDFView metadata fbut once in Arc, it switches the longitude to the 0 to 360 degrees. Any ideas if this is a file error or something Arc is having trouble reading?
I converted your post to a question, rather than a discussion. Might get more views.
Also, you may want to move this to Coordinate Reference Systems or map projections (which are also now tagged)