Hi Alicia,
I found a transformation in a pdf but it looks like it converts between ITRF2005 @2003.75 to SWEREF99. The parameters are:
TX = 0.033750
TY = 0.029875
TZ = -0.080450
D [ppb] = 0.78
RX [0.001”] = -2.134
RY [0.001”] = -7.765
RZ [0.001”] = 9.810
and using the coordinate frame method. There's another pdf file that discussion transformations between ITRF2014 and various other frames. It looks like Table 4 has the values to convert between ITRF2014 and SWEREF99, at least for southern Sweden. Because the document states that it's for maritime applications, the transformation may really be good for offshore areas only.