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Looking for a line symbol

09-13-2018 12:44 PM
Emerging Contributor

This symbol is used on maps to show that a polygon (forest stand, ownership, etc.) crosses a line (road, etc.).  I want to  use it on maps I create in ArcMap 10.6 but I can't find it as a line type in any of the styles  have looked through.  I want it to work like the line with an arrow on each end that you just draw with the Draw Toolbar.  Can you point me to where I can find this?  Many thanks.

Phil Freeman

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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus

You are going to convert your polygon to a polyline first?

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Emerging Contributor

No, the polygon would remain as is.  Actually, somebody form the GIS stack exchange tutored me this evening on how to create new symbols.  Maybe it is another sign of my getting old, but that symbol was used often on hand drawn maps, so I am surprised it is not already an option under the ESRI style. 


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