Proper Tool for Creating a 3x3 Window for Cluster Sampling In Accuracy Assessment?

03-27-2016 10:56 AM
Deactivated User

I'm using a cluster sampling scheme for an accuracy assessment of the 2011 National Land Cover Dataset (spatial res of 30m).  I'm using Google Earth Pro for my reference data spatial res of 15m).  So far I've generated random sample points for each land cover category (the number of sample points generated for each land cover varied, depending on its area relative to the total area, but each category had at least 50 points).

I've pulled the points into Google Earth Pro, and now I want to create a 3x3 window surrounding each sample point that allows me to more easily estimate the approximate measurements needed to determine the primary and alternate reference labels (per the rules and specific measurements set forth by the NLCD classification scheme, found here:

Whats the easiest way to create the 3x3 window?


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2 Replies
Deactivated User

No, I've already generated the random points in Arc, then converted to kml and opened the same points in Google Earth (my reference data source).  Because the spatial resolution of GE is difference than my National Land Cover Dataset, I need to create a 3x3 grid to lay over each point in GE that measures the same resolution of my NLCD. 

This will allow me to more easily make my observations when labelling the land cover of the reference data because I can approximately measure the percentage of the dominant land cover in each 3x3 window, then match it up with the rule in the classification scheme (found here: that corresponds to that land cover. 

I discovered the "Make Grids and Graticules" tool here:

Maybe that is what I need to do?

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